I am a software engineer and I am working as a platform engineer nowadays. My daily job is to build solutions on top of Kubernetes. In my last blog post, I explained why the complexity in the Kubernetes ecosystem is inevitable. On the other hand, as a person who earns a living by using the knowledge of this complexity, it is getting harder to follow the cloud-native world, the tools, concepts, and trends.
The community is moving very fast. A new tool/concept is added to the picture every day. It is impossible to follow everything.
The home pages of the website of tools are full of bullshits and marketing buzzwords without any concrete explanations. It really takes time to get exactly which problem a tool solves.
Newsletters are so complicated and so long. They are about everything and they contain things on different levels. Some of them are 101, some are 501.
There is a lot of noise around and it paralyzes us. In the end, we check so many things but we learn so few things. We hear too much without even grasping the main points.
We should accept we cannot learn everything in detail.
In order to have T-shaped skills, we need to learn some things in detail and some other things superficially.
We need to learn many things at just 101 level
To learn what to check when necessary and what is available in the market
To have a high-level understanding of what people are talking about in meetings, docs, Twitter, conferences, etc.
To know the unknown, which may be the most critical one.
How will Cloud Native Simplified be?
Each issue will be about only one thing. It will be like “Explain like I’m five.”
The level of that one thing will be always 101. The topic can be something complex or deep but again it will be like 101 of a complex thing.
I am not a native speaker and I use pretty simple words as you see. The language will be straightforward to digest.
I have a full-time job so this newsletter is my side project. Thanks to Giantswarm’s 4-day policy, I hope I will have enough time to realize this.
You will be able to read each issue in just 5 minutes without spending so much effort. The learning activity will not be hard. It will be enjoyable.
Talk is cheap. Show me the articles.
For the launch, I have already written an article about kcp
. Here it is. Enjoy!
Love the idea!